One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki

(on G 2.5)

Captain Bonehead: I'm going to clap you two in Seastone handcuffs!

Ishmael: But we're not Devil Fruit users.......

Captain Bonehead: I don't care! I'll prevent you from resisting!

Greenwood: Then why don't you just take our weapons?

Ishmael: Don't encourage him!

Greenwood: Mine will return to me eventually.

Ishmael: Yeah, but my fishing gear is priceless! I've had this stuff for years.

Captain Bonehead: Too bad! Since I'm in charge of G 2.5 I hereby confiscate your dagger and your fishing equipment.

Ishmael: NOOOOOOOOOOO! My rod and my bait and my lure! You'll pay for this, you bastard...........

Captain Bonehead: BWAHAHAHAHA

Greenwood: Shut the hell up.

Captain Bonehead: No! Anyways.........Lock these two up in the brig!

(meanwhile, along the coast)

Storm: So should we just walk in?

Victor: No.....We need a plan.

Sigfried: So then what's your big plan?

Victor: I don't have one........

Sigfried: Moron.

Victor: What was that?

Sigfried: Nothing.

Terra: Anyways......Perhaps sneaking in would be the best ide-

Storm: We need a diversion.

Terra: Don't interrupt me!

Victor: A diversion......Are you with me old man?

Storm: Of course.

Sigfried: And what are Terra and I supposed to do?

Victor: Watch and learn. (he and Storm approach the wall of the base)

Storm: This looks like a good spot.

Victor: As good as any. (he transforms into Hybrid Mode)

Storm: Earthshaker! (he slams his axe into the ground, causing the wall to crack in half. Victor climbs the wall using handholds along the crack)

Marine 1: Men, get in position. We have intruders!

Marine 2: And bring the Seastone Handcuffs. We've got some Devil's Fruit users.

Marine 3: Actually, Captain Bonehead has all the Seastone Handcuffs.

Marine 2: What? (before he can do anything else, Victor appears in front of him)

Victor: Lightning Slash! (Marines 1, 2, and 3 are defeated)

Storm: Hey Victor! Head to the brig!

Victor: Roger that! (Victor disappears inside the fort, Storm turns to Terra and Sigfried)

Storm: Come my faithful crewmates! Let us lay waste to this fort until we find Ishmael and Greenwood!

Terra: Whatever, I'm in the mood to kick some ass.

Sigfried: I'll clear a way for us. Impact Cluster Shot! (he shoots out several bullets that explode, causing an entire section of the wall to come crumbling down)

Storm: Hoho! That's the spirit! (Terra, Sigfried, and Storm follow Victor inside)

(meanwhile, in the brig)

Captain Bonehead: It's my lucky day. I've caught three pirates today!

Ishmael: Three?

Captain Bonehead: That's right, in this cell I've got Casual Fisherman Ishmael with a 5 million bounty along with an unknown accomplice.

Greenwood: The names Greenwood.

Ishmael: We know that you captured us!

Bonehead: That's right that's right. Well as you can see in the cell across from you I have Captain Vick of the Tentacle Pirates, a 35 million bounty.

Vick: ...........

Bonehead: He's unconsciou.

Ishmael: I can see that, you idiot!

Greenwood: Do you know him?

Ishmael: Yeah, he was one of three other pirate crews that left North Blue about the same time we did. I guess now there's only us, the Subzero Pirates, and the Sonic Pirates now.

Bonehead: I'll throw all of you in jail you scurvy knaves! (suddenly the door comes flying open and Storm, Victor, Sigfried, and Terra come in)

Storm: We are here to save the day!

