One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki

Captian - Burning AceEdit
Burning Ace !

Burning Ace with charged cards


Notourious card shark and gambler from South Blue, Burning Ace has devil fruit power of "Bakuha - Bakuha no Mi" paramecia type devil fruit. Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki possession. [1]Burning Ace with charged cardsBurning Ace prefers to make wages and raise the stakes, known as the greatest card player of all time, Burning Ace has a suspicous demeanor as his skills are as a card player are unparrelled and once he has you locked into a game he is impossible to beat. Burning Ace is mainly after rare stones some of which can enhance his devil fruit ability which he stores in his staff

As a pirate he is a winner of many "Davy Back Fights" and has built a crew based on this success. He is a master tactician and rearley has to fight directly.

Burning Ace is 28yrs old and stands 6ft 5" wears a brown trench and black vest head gear and finger gloves. He fights with a long staff and playing cards, but can use almost any object.

"Explosion - Explosion Fruit"Edit
Burning Ace 3

Fully Charged


Paramecia type alows the user to explosively chagre objects through touch and cause them to explode on command by saying "tick tick" the user can also time delay an explosion without the verbal command maxium 5 seconds delay. The user can also concentrate the charge in a smaller area and use a slightly weaker [2]"pluse charge" to inflict damage through a weapon such as Burning Aces long staff. The strength of the charge depends on how dense the object is the denser and more compacted atoms in the&nbsp

object the greater the expolsion, hence the use of playing cards as they are light and are not very dense so he doesn't blow holes in his ship. The charge forces the space between atoms apart releasing an explosive energy hence the more compact an object the greater the explosion.

Limitations&nbsp Standard devil fruit user limitations. The user can only charge objects to a maxium size of the same size as the user. The charge is also limited to inanimate objects, and is usless against enimies that have little or no pyshical form i.e some Logia types.
