One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki

Devil Fruit Name

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Japanese Name:

(japanese kanji)

English Name:


Power: Invoke chaos
Eaten By:potu

Initial concept: Powerhouse411

Develloper: 13th madman


The Cha Cha no Mi is a paramecia Devil fruit that allows the user to induce Chaos into a targeted area, disrupting and rearanging it at random. it was eaten by little potu



This fruit's power manifests as a luminous corona that the user can generate, control and manipulate at will. It is uncertain whether the corona is composed of energy, or some unknown form of particles, and it's effects make it impossible to examine closely. Anything caught within this corona is affected in a variety of ways based on the magntitude and exact nature of the ability, and generally the changes continue to occur until the corona is removed, at which point the region slowly returns to a stable state.


This fruit demonstrates considerable offensive power when used in the right way, as it is almost impossible to guard against an attack that has an entirely unknowable outcome. The user can completely rearange an area to the extent that it becomes incomparable to it's previous state, or collapse it into formlessness with ease.


Ironically, the main weakness of the Cha Cha no Mi is actually it's inherent unpredictability. While the user can determine the scale and targeted area of the disruption, they have absolutely no control over how that disruption manifests it's effects, or how the target responds to it. If used recklessly, the user may inadvertantly injure or even completely destroy themselves due to unexpected consequences of their actions. When the fruit is used at it's full extent, it apparently tries to rebel agaisnt even the basic control the user is afforded, weakening or possibly harming them through backlash, or sometimes running out of control. For this reason, those who know of this fruit's powers consider it an act of madness to make reckless use of it, or sometimes to even consider eating it. The user suffers from standard Devil Fruit weaknesses, and these appear to be one of the few things this fruit cannot disrupt.



  • A Previous logia version of this fruit was made by Powerhouse411, but he later decided it was not a viable power. This fruit was adapted from it with his permission.

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