One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki
Das Geisterhaus

"For all of the happiness that you wish for one person, another person gets cursed with an equal amount of don't touch my stuff!!!"

You have stumbled upon Zacchaeus Ibrahim, which is a barrier of the Das Geisterhaus. Interfere with his scheme and his familiars will see to it that your very soul is claimed as recompense!

Japanese Name: N/A
Romanized Name: N/A
English Name: Ibrahim
First Appearance: One Piece of Music Film: Star-Crossed Fists
Affiliations: Zacchaeus Clan
World Government
Cipher Pol
Occupations: S-Class Tax Collector
Japanese VA: N/A
Funi English VA: N/A
Age: 25
Birthday: December 25th
Height: 6'0"
strong points:

Ibrahim Zacchaeus is the youngest child of Terah and Victoria. He is also the youngest child of Terah in general, making him the baby of the family.

In order to support his fallen family, a sixteen-year-old Ibrahim would volunteer for the exceedingly dangerous employment as a F-Class Tax Collector in the World Government. By the time he was twenty-five, Ibrahim would become the youngest individual to attain the rank of S-Class Tax Collector

After the the time skip, Ibrahim is further promoted to the position of tribute collector. Not long after his promotion, he was deputized into being the chief of CPNaN - a team of CP9 trainees whom are to serve as his bodyguards and enforcers.


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Powers and Abilities[]


As an S-Class Tax Collector, Ibrahim is a high-ranking government official. He is allowed to deputize people as his security personnel on the spot and can also relieve people from similar cases of deputization. He has been trusted with the power to usurp Marine command from those whom are ranked as a Captain or below, and he has a security clearance to information as classified as the CP9 itself!

Ibrahim's greatest level of authority though, is his status as the chief of CPNaN. This allows him to deploy them as he sees fit.


In stark contrast to the implications of his physique, Ibrahim is strong over anything else. While he may not be fast or have exceptional sense, Ibrahim is just about as strong as they come. He can overpower giants to the point where he can swing them around and around. He can also transport the Legal Claus with naught but his bare hands if he is force to do so.

Legal Claus[]

Ibrahim is the pilot of the Legal Claus. With which he can easily take down foes that are by far more powerful than he is.







