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Onano C. Gehira[]

Back story[]

Onano C. Gehira,also knows as ´´Creed´´ :Is a notorious pirte on the Grand Line and The New Worls, and comes from Oasis Grail island he was an orphan for all his life untill he sailed off to sea.And later after that he founded The Sea Devils , which him and some of the kids from the orphanage sailed off on the Grand Line and the New World .


Creed skin color is tan ,he is farily tall a musculur body with black hair,and has tattos on his arms and on the hands. ,you´ll always see him with his trademark jacket.[]


Creed is know to be a very calm/friendly person and very reasonable but don't take his kindness for weakness because he is one of the strongest pirates in the world even at his young age cuase when the time comes to fight for his friends,family all that goes out the widow,and he becomes very serious and intelligence . He loves his crew like family because he growed up in Orphanage with not so many kids, and some of those kids from the orphanage who growed up with him joined his crew.

Powers and Abilities/Skills-[]

Hand to hand combat

Energy Absorption

Self-Healing(by use of absorbed energy)

Self-Strengthening(by use of absorbed energy)

Self-Reverse Aging(by use of absorbed energy)

Flying(by absorbing the air around then then realsing it)

Material-Absorbtion(by touching something his skin will turn into the material)


The major strength of the Kyū Kyū no Mi is the ability to absorb any form of energy be it physical or mental, regardless of any shape or size, and dispersing it within one's body and absorb attacks that hit user Cannon balls, bullets, punches, kicks, sword slashes, and other projectile or physical attacks are absorbed by the user and can be returned to the attacker . As a result, this Fruit can absorb any energy based technique, regardless of power, But the user can Consume so much at a time order body will shut down , . This Fruit can also take the form of a barrier around the user's entire body, allowing them to absorb attacks from all directions. In addition the user can absorb energy right out of an individual's body through physical contact Should the user get close enough to grab the opponent effectively draining them.The major weakness of this fruit is that the bigger the attack the more energy it cost the user.could actually use absorbed energy to heal him-self, strengthen his body, or reverse his own age to look younger than the age that user really is.And allowing him to touch objects and become that materail.

Fighting Style[]

Creed is one of the best hand to hand fighter,and with his powers it makes it almost Impossible to beat him.He is very fast person especially his reflexes and with him knowing how to use Rokushiki,Hasshoken makes him a tough fighter.


Zeno (ゼノ Zeno?) is a Captain ranked Marine and an active member of their elite Marine squad, Scabbards. He is a Human-Blugori hybrid and because of this was born with tremendous physical prowess.
