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Reitō Reitō no Mi
Reito fruit
Japanese Name: 冷凍冷凍の果
English Name: Cryo Cryo Fruit
Meaning: Cryokinesis, Cryostasis, Frozen, Cold, Low Temperature
First Appearance: {{{first}}}
Type: Paramecia
Eaten by: Hikami Biyō

The Reitō Reitō no Mi (冷凍冷凍の果, literally translated as Cryo Cryo Fruit?) is a sister fruit of the well known Former Admiral Kuzan consumer of the Hie_Hie_no_Mi. The fruit in question, despite it's capabilities and incredible elemental prowess, can not be compared to the Hie Hie no Mi, as the two are unable to manipulate the Ice generated by one another. However, this fruit is said to be one of the only fruits with a power similar to another, however, the main notable difference is where Aokiji's fruit can allow the generation, manipulation and becoming of Ice, the Reitō Reitō no Mi is only capable of generating and manipulating ice via Cryokinesis. The fruit is known for it's powerful creations of Ice and was found within one of the inner caves of Blizzarios, a well known blizzard island. Hikami Biyō came across said fruit after a small scouting mission, since then Hikami has trained with it for several years, becoming more creative and resourceful with her newly found power.


The appearance of this fruit is that of a frozen over plum, as it is aqua blue with a white number of swirls. As the exterior is what appears to be iced over, this is in fact a primary layer of skin for the devil fruit. And is in fact rather soft, despite appearing as Ice. Whilst on the inside of the fruit, it is incredibly liquidy, appearing as mere water. The pulp of the fruit however is a turqoise colour.


The user has the power of extreme cold. Stronger version of the ice fruit and snow fruit. Can surround himself with pure liquid nitrogen and everyone within the area will be instantly frozen. Like the Gas-Gas fruit the user can remove oxygen from the air and replace it with liquid nitrogen causing even logia type users to freeze from the inside.


Heat is the prime weakness of this fruit but the fire must be hot enough to overpower the extreme cold of this fruit. Magma would be able to beat this fruit but the flare-flare fruit wouldn’t even come close to getting hot enough to overpower the cryo-cryo user.

Sea prism is obviously another weakness just like all fruit users.

