One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki


The Tao trio, are a group of young adventorous and sometimes braggart teenagers from a time long forgotten. They are considered one of the most fearsome yet kind people who have roamed the seas in their age. The reason for their feared reputation is the fact that they have eaten three rare mythical devil fruits that transforms them into legendary yet deadly dragons.

Duties and Responsibilities[]

The main duty of the Tao trio are to explain that the way to happiness was for people to learn to "go with the flow." Instead of trying to get things done the hard way, people should take the time to figure out the natural, or easy way to do things, and then everything would get done more simply. This idea is called "wu-wei", which means "doing by not doing". They also thought it was wrong for the government (or anybody else) to make a lot of rules and laws about how people should behave. This would only make people act the same way all the time.
