One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki

Roronoa Senshi arrived in Louge Town to find things were very amiss. Learning about the arrest of Tanu's father, Senshi took matters into her own hands, Destroying the marine base and threatening the captain. After escaping the marines, Senshi ventures to the Grand Line, where countless hardships, enemies, and obstacles await her.

The Grand Line, 1 Nautical Mile Away from Reverse Mountain[]

Burakku Pre


Roronoa Senshi stood at the helm of her ship, the newly dubbed Shifting Tide. She was grinning like a maniac, just now leaving Reverse Mountain in her wake

Senshi: Man! That was just a rush! I haven't had that much fun since Zoro and I went swimming in that small waterfall as children! Though the whale did surprise me




(End Flashback)

Senshi: Anyways, now I need to focus. Grampa Dandelion said that the log pose would point to whatever island I was headed to and I was to follow it. I just hope that I don't run into too much trouble out here. After all, I'm just one girl.

Senshi checks the log pose on her wrist, making sure she's sailing in the right direction.

Senshi:  Good thing these things are idiot proof.

As she's sailing, she begins to contemplate on her previous adventure, specifically what occured back on Lougetown. She thinks back to how she acted when she learned about Tanu's dad. She smiles slightly, thinking back to her own family.

Senshi: Miyamoto seemed to know you guys. I guess your doing well brothers. I wonder if you've found Mihawk yet, or if you've gotten lost again Zoro. And Yoro, I wonder if you've managed to find a path. You always did prefer to just practice. Maybe we'll meet again.

She clutches her necklace, thoughts of her brothers making her think back to her sparce memories of her mother. As she begins to let her mind wander, a large newspaper falls onto the deck of her ship. Senshi was pulled out of her daydream at the thump and the sound of news coos.


Senshi walks onto the deck and picks up the newspaper. Surprisingly, it isn't a newspaper. Instead, it's a stack of what appears to be posters. Senshi picks one up and looks at it. On it is the picture of a boy. he has black hair cut short, and it is under a straw hat. His eyes are closed and he has a big, idiot grin. He's waving at the camera, and his name reads MONKEY D. LUFFY.

Senshi: Hmmmm...... "Age 17, Distinquishing features: Scar underneath Right eye and straw hat with red band. Wanted for Obstruction of justice, Assaulting a member of the Marines and-"

Senshi blinked slightly, then read it again. Then again.

Senshi: "-Attacking and Defeating Arlong of the Fishman Pirates." This is crazy. How could a kid like him do that?!

She then thinks back to her wonton actions the past few days, and chuckles.

Senshi:  Can't exactly throw stones now can I. 

She set the poster to the side, picking up another. This one showed a picture of a man in brown with brown hair and a serious, yet fun expression. She looked at it and read the name.

Senshi:  "Nova Blade." Hmmm. he seems strong. I wonder if I'll ever see him out here.

Again, she sets the poster aside, picking up a third. This one shows a boy with long black hair and black eyes, fully black without pupils, or irises. He has a cut ove his right eye and it is bleeding.

Senshi: "Burakku. Age, unknown. Disinquishing features: Strange black eyes, a lightning shaped scar under right eye, and a pair of large black-"........... Does this say wings? Wow. I wonder why he's worth 10,000,000 beri.

Senshi shrugs, then a large gust of wind scatters the posters all over the ship. Senshi sighs and starts gathering them all up. As she does, she catches one out of the corner of her eye. She picks in up and stares at it. It's a poster of HER!!

Senshi:  "Roronoa Senshi. Age, 15. Distinquishing features: Green hair. Wanted for Assaulting a Marine, threatening a marine, Destroying Louge Town Marine Base, and Escaping from justice. Reward 75,000,000 Beri".....

She stands there, staring at the poster for a good five minute. Then she jumps up screaming.

Senshi:  Oh my god this is bad. I have a BOUNTY?! This is absolutely NOT good!! I'm a wanted woman! A pirate! And what's WORSE!!! 75,000,000!!! That's a small fortune!! Every Bounty Hunter and Marine worth their salt is going to come AFTER ME!!!

This goes on for several minutes, until she quickly turns her arm into a paper bag, rips it off and starts breathing into it. After breathing into the bag for about two minutes, she calms down.

Senshi:  Alright alright.... This isn't all that bad. I mean, look on the bright side. I'll be able to get stronger. Not to mention with everyone after me, I'll be able to go up against stronger and stronger opponents. I just might be able accomplish my dream even faster!


The sounds of gunfire interupted her thoughts. She looked behind her to see a Marine ship directly behind her.

Senshi:  DAMN IT!! How did they FIND me!?

Senshi quickly dissolved into mist, creating seven different mounds. Those mounds then became Seven different Senshis.

Senshi 1:  Okay. Senshi 2-4, you man the cannons, get them off our back. Senshi 5-7, get some wind in our sails. I see if we can lose them.

Senshi 2-7: Hai!

The Senshi's dispersed, going toawrds their post. Senshi 5-7 flew up to the mast, positioning themselves in behind the main sails. Each of them turned themselves into air, and began blowing in great gusts of green air. The Shifting Tide lurched foreward, just in time to avoid more cannons.

Senshi 1:  Phew... Too close. HOW'S IT COMING WITH THOSE CANNONS?!

Senshi 4:  We're working on it!

Senshi 2:  It's a bit harder than it looks!

Senshi 3:  GOT IT!!

The cannons were now in position and ready to fire.

Senshi 1:  FIRE!!!!


The cannon fire echoed through the air as both Senshi's clones and the Marines fired repeatedly. Senshi 1 gave a smile.

Senshi 1:  We're losing them! Perfect! Nothing can stop me now!!


The crack made all seven Senshis stop. They all looked at each other in confusion.

Senshi 2:  What was that?

Senshi 3-4: Not us!

Senshi 1 looked up to see large black clouds beginning to form above them.


The rain came out of nowhere, drenching the entire ship, and all the Senshis instantly

Senshi 1:  I am such a baka! Never say something like that! NEVER!!!

Rain began to pour down harder and harder. waves began to form, larger than any she'd seen before in her life. One large wave crashed over the ship, washing over Senshis 2-4 into the ocean. The second they are hit by the wave, they dissolved. 

Senshi 1: Great!!! I just lost my gunmen!

She turned back to the wheel, wrestling for control and to keep the ship out of the water. Senshis 5-7 quickly reformed into human forms. They came flying to the wheel, trying to help Senshi regain control. Before they could, another wave swept them up. Like 2-4 before them, they dissolved the second they hit the water.

Senshi:  Oh great! NOW WHAT!!

Suddenly, the seas grew calm again. Senshi looked around to see that she was in much calmer waters. Looking up, she finally noticed that she was in the eye of the storm. She was safe, at least for now.

Senshi:  Man.... That was lucky.... I just hope I can get away from those (Looks over her shoulder)........ Marines?

Senshi couldn't see the Marines anywhere. No matter where she looked, she couldn't spot them.

Senshi: That's weird.... Where did they go?

Senshi turns her hand into a spyglass, searching the dark seas for her pursuers. Finally, she caught a glimpse of a ship being hammered by waves. It looked like it was about to capsize. Senshi breaths a sigh of relief.

Senshi: Oh man. I got seriously lucky. They can't possibly catch me if they capsize!

She turns to sail off, but finds herself frozen. She looks back over her shoulder, back at the helpless marines. She quickly turns back.

Senshi:  I need to get away. I can't fulfill my dream from inside Impel Down......

She looks again to see the ship nearly capsizing again. She looks out towards the open ocean, then back at the marines.

Senshi: Gahhhhhhh Damnit!!

The Marine Ship


Marines were scrambling across the deck of the large marine vessel, doing everything possible to keep the ship from capsizing. Even the Captain was helping out, not wanting to abandon his men. They pulled on the sails, trying to catch any wind that would pull them out of the ocean and back upright.


The ship bucked to the side, nearly turning on it side.

Marine 39: It's too late Captain. We're going in.

Before it could however, a streak of green came ramming into the side of the ship about to enter the ocean, knocking it back into an upright position. The Marines were knocked off their feet, but quickly recovered.

Marine 17:  WHAT WAS THAT?!?!


Several marines scrambled over to the side of the ship. There they saw Senshi with her back planted against the ship, beads of sweat running down her face. Large, misty hands were also pushing on either side of her, keeping the ship in place.

Senshi:  Gnnnh..... WHAT ARE YOU..... ahhhhh..... DOING?!?!....... GAH!! GET MOVING!!!

The Mairnes quickly got back into position, setting a course to the eye of the storm. The Captain walked over to the side where Senshi was, looking down at her struggling.

Marine Captain:  Why are you helping us? Just minutes ago, we were shooting at you.....

Senshi:  Gnnnnnh....... nobody.......deserves....... to die........ like this....... die......... a hero....... bringing....... down countless....... foes.......... not......... prey to........ a mere....... storm

The Marine Captain nodded as the ship began to sail through the storm The entire time, Senshi either pulled or pushed the ship so it would stay upright. It took a while, but eventually, they arrived in the eye of the storm. Once they were safe and in calmer waters, the misty arms began to fade and Senshi released the ship, drunkily floating upwards. She was soaking wet and her hands were bleeding. Before she could even reach the deck of the marine ship, hey eyes rolled in the back of her head and she passed out, free falling towards the ocean. Before she landed, however, several arms reached through a few porthole windows. They grabbed her seconds before she fell into the ocean.

Marine 36:  We've got her sir!

Captain:  Tie this rope around her waist! We'll hoist her up on deck!

A marine throws an end of the rope up down and a marine quickly ties it around her waist. The marines then release her as she's brought onto the deck. Eventually, Senshi lays on the deck, motionless.

Marine 12:  Is she...... dead?

Another marine feels for a pulse. It's faint, but there.

Marine 58:  She's just unconsious.

Marine 27:  Well, what do we do now?

Marine 42:  She did save us.

Marine 36: But she's still a pirate.

Marine 8: Sir? What are your orders?

The Marine captain looks down at the girl, then closes his eyes and sighs. While she had risked everything to save them, he still had to do his duty.

Captain:  Arrest her.

A marine moves to do as he's told, but before he can, a small dagger embeds itself in the deck, centimeters away from his hand. The Marine's jump back and move away from Senshi

????:  I wouldn't do that if I were you...

A large shadow suddenly flew over them, landing in front of Senshi. The shadows covered this figure completely, leaving only a faint outline. It picks up Senshi, untying the rope from around her waist. It then quickly coils it, setting it back down.

Captain:  You....... What are you doing here?

The figure ignored the Marine Captain, rearranging Senshi in its grip until it's holding her bridal style.

????:  This girl just saved your life. I think that's earned her a few more days of freedom, don't you?

There was a rush of movement, and the figure shoots up into the air with Senshi. The marines look into the sky as the two fly off.

Marine 4:  What should we do sir?

Marine 39:  Should we pursue?

The Captain watched as a small figure in the distance landed on a green ship just off the horizon. He smirked, then turned back to his men.

Captain:  Let them go. We have no need to chase them. Right now, we must see to the ship.

Despite losing their quary, the marines rejoice at the news. They all salute their captain.

Marines:  HAI!!

As the marines go about repairs to the ship, the marine Captain just smiles.

Captain:  Next time, miss Senshi.... Next time.

The Shifting Tide, A Few Hours Later

Senshi awoke slowly, sitting up slowly.

Senshi:  Ugh....... My entire body hurts....... Never try and keep a ship from capsizing again...... WAY too much strain.

As she went to rub her face, she saw that her hands were wrapped in bandages.

Senshi:  Huh? Who bandaged my hands?

As she looked around, she was surprised to find herself in her bed in her room. This was definately something she hadn't expected.

Senshi:  That's weird....... I don't remember making it back to the ship..... In fact, I don't remember anything after I managed to finally get those Marines to safety. I guess I must have passed out on their ship..... But that still doesn't make any sense....... Did the Marines put me on my ship?

Suddenly, a sense of forboding hit her.

Senshi: More importantly....... Where IS my ship!

She scrambled out of bed, pausing for a second to get over the bout of dizziness, then looked at herself. She was still dressed, the only thing she wasn't wearing was a hair ribbon and her shoes. She found them by the side of her bed and quickly threw them on. Forgetting her hair for a second, she ran in deck. She found nothing out of the ordinary. There wasn't a person in sight. However, someone had set up the ship's wheel to keep sailing in a forward position.

Senshi:  Someone set my ship up so I wouldn't get off course...

She quickly looked at her wrist, checking the Log Pose. Her ship was a little off course, so she undid the straps, turning the ship back on course.

Senshi:  Phew...... That was too close..... I guess I've got more luck than I-

A sudden feeling in her gut told her that something was off. This feeling in her gut had never been wrong before. It had warned her of alot of dangers in the past, and now it was warning her she wasn't alone.

Senshi:  Hello?

She sees nothing, and hears nothing but the sound of waves against the side of the ship. She looks confused, then suddenly whips around to face the door leading deeper into the ship.


Again, silence ensues. Frustrated, and sure she heard something, Senshi throws the door open, marching in. A figure, the same figure that pulled her from the marine ship, then appears behind her, looking at the door.

????: Amazing...... She sensed me, despite my attempts to hide. Does she have Haki?

The figure ducks through the door as well, while Senshi begans searching the different rooms in the ship. She opened door after door, pearing behind each of them.

Senshi:  Hello?!

She goes down into the storage room full of barrels of food and other important supplies. She checks behind every barrel, every crate, and behind every pillar. There is nothing.

Senshi: Alright... Where are you?

A blur of motion leads her to the trap door that leads to the brig. She throws it open, peering inside. As she walks in, all she sees are two rows of empty cells, all the doors closed. All except for the final one on the left. She approaches the cell and looks at the door.

Senshi:  I could've sworn I closed that door.....

She closes it again, only for it so swing open again. She tries five more times, getting more and more frustrated.

Senshi:  Why won't you close?

????:  Let's just say the lock is broken for a reason.

Senshi screams, turning around and whacking the owner of the voice in the face, or at least attempting to, the figure blurs again, reappearing by the open cell.

????:  The wall in this cell comes away, revealing a hiding spot, A stowaway chamber I think it's called.

He knocks on the side of the wall, revealing a small door.

Senshi:  Who are you? How did you get over there so fast?

The figure ignores Senshi.

????:  No need to worry though. It's empty, well, now at least. There's a small bed in there that's quite comfortable.

Senshi's fists begin to morph into hammers, The figure seems to smirk, then blurs again, reappearing directly in front of Senshi

????: If I were you, I'd wait until we got back on deck to try and smash my face in. After all, you wouldn't want to destroy your ship.

There's yet another blur of movement and the figure disappears. Senshi's face contorts in frustration and annoyance as she runs up the stairs back onto deck. She gets up there and the figure is nowhere in sight.

Senshi:  Alright! Enough games! Show yourself!

????: Gladly.

Senshi turns again as the figure decends from the sky, lightly landing on the figure head. The figure was male, with nothing but a pair on long black pants on. He had a sash across his waist with a large sword hanging on the right side. He has no shirt on, revealing his pale skin, while dark black hair covered his eyes from view. What was in view though, were a pair of huge, black wings.

Senshi: Who.... are you?

The boy chuckles, then gently touches down on deck.

????:  You saw my poster. You tell me.

Senshi looks confused at first, then a small gust of wind blows across the deck, sending the boys hair off of his face, revealing his cold, black eyes.

Senshi:  Your eyes........

Suddenly, it dawns on her.

Senshi:  You..... You're Burakku!!

Burakku chuckles, then gives an elegant bow.

Burakku: Yes, that's correct. Burakku the Gryffon, former Bounty Hunter and current Fugitive of the Law at your service.

Senshi watches him curiously, his actions confusing her. She relaxes her hammers, turning them back into regular hands.

Senshi:  What do you want?

He shrugs.

Burakku: Nothing really...... All I want is to join you.

Senshi:  (skeptical)....... Are you serious?

Burakku:  Do I look like someone who kids around about something like this?

Senshi was still skeptical, an a bit untrustful at the moment. Burakku sensed that and sighed.

Burakku:  Look...... You can trust me.

Senshi:  How do I know I can trust you?

Burakku:  To answer that question, I have a few points. One, I'm the one that saved you from those marines, then brought you back here.

Senshi was confused. He'd brought her back?

Senshi:  How did you know this was my ship? For that matter, how did you know I saw your poster?

Burakku:  Simple. I've been following you since you entered the Grand line.

Senshi:  You WHAT?!

Burakku threw his hands up defensively as Senshi took an offensive stance.

Burakku:  Calm down calm down. I was curious about you. I'd heard a rumor about this girl who had destroyed an entire Marine Base by herself, not to mention threatened a Marine Captain. By the way, said captain was replaced, demoted, and sent off to a training camp in the South Blue.

Senshi slowly relaxed and Burakku did too.

Burakku:  See? Just calm down, alright?

Senshi sighed.

Senshi: Alright, you said you had several other points. What are they?

Burakku: I truthfully have two. One is that my sword here (pats sword) has a Sea Stone tip. Not even your powers would be able to stop it. Secondly.

He blurred again, reappearing directly behind Senshi

Senshi:  What the-

Burakku:  This technique is called Soru. It allows me to move at nearly impossible speeds. Any time I used this technique, I could have killed you, and it would have happened so fast, your "sixth sense" wouldn't have had time to register the attack. I could have done that, but I didn't.

Senshi nodded as Burakku moved back to where she could see him.

Senshi:  Just what's your angle? What could I possibly do for you?

Burakku:  Well, I could use some company..... And, let's just say I'm invested in your future.

Senshi thought about is for a second, then she sighed.

Senshi:  Alright alright, Fine. You can stay.

Burakku: Thank you, Captain.

The scene changes to a bird's eye view of th Shifting Tide

Burakku: Also, you might need to get some more food. I ended up eating a whole barrel of apples waiting for you to awaken.

Senshi:  A WHOLE BARREL?!?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!?!

Burakku:  I got hungry.

Senshi:  Why you.....


Burakku:  ...............You okay?

Senshi:  Stupid Soru.

To Be Continued...